The MiniProf Rail instrument is an easy-to-use, lightweight and handheld tool for monitoring cross sectional profiles of the rail. It is attached magnetically to the top of the railhead, using the opposite rail as reference through a telescopic rod.
The instrument can be used on many different types of tracks, including grooved rails, and measures gauge and cant.
A perpendicular device can be mounted on the telescopic rod to ensure a correct alignment with the rail resulting in a better profile and an even shorter exposure.
Accuracy Better than ±11 μm
Repeatability ±2.5 μm
Weight 0.8 kg
Speed Measuring rate 10000 points/sec
Profile scanning <5 sec
Processing <1 sec
Profile file size 20-30 kb/profile
Power consumption Standby 0.5 mA In use 110 mA
The customer can download our Criterion Android App on a standard Android mobile phone and use this as a data collector.
The Criterion App works the same way as the PDA software - but now with the Envision software.