The RouteScan is used for checking the height and offset from the rails to anything you want to measure (platform edge, tunnel, bridge, signal post, OHL etc).
Used by maintenance teams to check tight clearance of tunnels/bridges/platforms. Can be used with a gauging train that measures the network and when it shows a fault, one use the RouteScan to go and verify if there is a problem.
Undergrounds use the RouteScan for checking before and after installation of any pipe work, equipment that needs to be fitted in the tunnel lining as there is limited clearance.
Contractors often use them for checking the clearance of signal posts, platforms or anything line side that needs to be installed.
The RouteScan also has clearance software, so you can see if the train will fit through the measured tunnel/bridge (each customer gives us their individual train drawings and we can input in the software).