This welding tent can be assembled in 15 seconds, capable of opening from bottom to top, from the front as well as the back. The tent has a striking hexagonal shape for optimum stability and is ideal for the welding of large-diameter pipelines. Two persons can easily mount the tent over the pipeline.
It takes only seconds to set up and the frame is integrated with the tent fabric so that none of the parts get lost. Fire retardant fabrics are used and the top-grade hinge plates, in which the poles converge are of the finest quality. This work tent is supplied with a luxury carrying bag with shoulder band. It has a unique patented tent pole base system which makes it even more long-lasting.
Also suitable for cabinet installations, cable jointing, plumbing, archaeological sites and other outdoor activities..
- Folds up on 15 seconds.
- No loose parts.
- Sheets of PVC.
Package Dimensions: 1.80 x 0:40 x 0:40.